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Pizzamaster FAQ’s

We try to simplify it, but buying an oven can be a little bit of a process. As with any process there are understandably going to be some questions, so we answered some of the most frequent ones below. Hopefully after reading this the process becomes a lot clearer and a lot simpler. And if you still have questions please submit them here.

There are so many models, how do I keep them all straight?

Yes, there are dozens of models and sometimes it can get confusing understanding the differences. That’s where the naming convention comes in. See below for an example. Once you learn the lingo it all makes sense, and you quickly realize there is a PizzaMaster for every size pizza and every size space.

It’s an electric oven, so do I need a hood?

Actual ventilation requirements vary by location, and while a hood is not explicitly required by PizzaMaster, a Type 2 hood is recommended. If toppings spill on the deck or you burn a pizza, the smoke will exit through the front doors. Without an exhaust system in place, smoke will stay in your kitchen which is not only unpleasant but can be dangerous.

Additionally, PizzaMaster ovens have been UL tested and the grease particles produced do not reach a level high enough to require a Type 1 hood or fire suppression system (ansul). Here is the report if you are up for some light reading (or your inspector asks for it).

All that said, the final ruling on whether or not a hood is required for your restaurant is at the discretion of your local inspector. It’s best to check with them prior to any major decisions.

Then what’s that eyebrow piece for? The one with the PizzaMaster logo on it…

The eyebrow piece has a 4'“ hole in the center which can be connected to ducting. For this setup to be effective, all smoke exiting the doors must make its way underneath the eyebrow, funnel into the hole, and then be exhausted out by ways of a fan or some other exhaust system. For busy pizzerias or larger ovens, this setup is not recommended as the amount of smoke could overload the 4” hole and cloud up the kitchen.

Do I need three phase power?

No. PizzaMaster ovens are available in three phase and single phase power.

Do single phase ovens perform the same?

Absolutely. There is no performance or functionality difference between a single phase and a three phase oven. However, single phase ovens do require more amperage to operate. For example, a three-deck PM 933 in 208V/3ph power requires 47 amps per deck (141 total) while a PM 933 in 240V/1ph power requires 77 amps per deck (231 total). So you will need more electrical service and a larger panel in your building to operate a single phase oven.

What about voltage?

PizzaMaster ovens are available in the following voltages: 208V, 240V, 480V. It is critical that the voltage and phase of the oven matches the voltage and phase of the building. DO NOT order an oven until your electrician or a PizzaMaster Service provider has verified the voltage and phase of your building. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IN PURCHASING A PIZZAMASTER OVEN. The oven must match your building and you cannot alter a building’s electrical conditions to match the oven. If the voltage and phase do not match then the oven will not work properly and the oven can be seriously damaged.

Does the oven come with power cables or plugs?

No, the oven is not supplied with power cables.

Then who does all the electrical work?

Your electrician. Every PizzaMaster project will require some electrical work and it will vary depending on the building and oven. The oven requires a dedicated power cable and circuit breaker for each deck. So, at a minimum, your electrician will need to bring dedicated power for each deck to where the oven will be located, run power from each power source to the oven, connect the power cables to the oven. Connecting the oven is straightforward electrical work and all ovens are supplied with a wiring diagram.

What clearance is required around the oven?

PizzaMaster recommends 2” of clearance all the way around the oven. However, the electrical panel is on the right side so if you have hot equipment on that side (range, fryer, etc…) the minimum clearance is 6”. See below picture for an example.

What’s Power Guard?

Power Guard is a power distribution system which connects two PizzaMaster decks together and ensures they never exceed the amp draw of one deck. So again using the 3-deck PM 933 as an example, if we were to add Power Guard to the bottom and middle deck the combined amp draw in those two decks would be 47 amps in 208V/3ph and 77 amps in 240V/1ph. Bringing the total amp draw of the entire oven to 94 and 154 respectively. So in this example, Power Guard allows you to have a three-deck oven but only requires the amperage of a two-deck oven. Please note, the breakers in your electrical panel still need to be sized for the full amp draw of one deck (47 amps and 77 amps respectively).

Power Guard is a great feature, but there are some tradeoffs. Since two decks are sharing power, if you start them up at the same time they will take longer to reach the target temperature (50+ mins). However, if you wait to start the second deck until after the first one reaches temperature then both of them will reach temperature in the normal amount of time (~30 mins each). Also, when both decks are in heavy use you may notice slightly longer recovery times. Depending on your needs, having three decks could very easily outweigh the tradeoffs of Power Guard.

What is Turbo Mode?

Turbo Mode is a tremendous feature that allows the PizzaMaster to reach target temperature very fast. When the oven is first turned on Turbo Mode will kick in and the oven will ask for full power. Typically, this means a PizzaMaster can reach 600 F in about 30 minutes which is faster than any other oven on the market. Once the temperature is reached Turbo Mode will turn itself off.

Turbo Mode is not a recovery feature. It does not kick-in on a busy Friday night, for example. It only comes on when the oven is turned on from the main power switch.

What is the height from the ground to each deck?

The height to each deck varies depending on the number of decks. See below for each scenario.

Can you add decks later on?

No. While each deck is independently controlled, the oven is wired and built as one unit. You cannot add or remove decks after the oven is built.

Does the High Temperature capability come standard?

Yes. The maximum temperature for all PizzaMaster ovens sold in the USA is 932 F.

Does the oven come with shelves?

Yes, and they’re awesome. There is a pullout shelf near the ground and another one just below the bottom deck. Tools, cooling racks, boxes, par-bakes, you name it. It’s one of those things that once you have one you always want one. As you can see below, Pizza Payaa loves their shelves. Please note, 4-deck and 5-deck ovens do not have pullout shelves.

What are the High Temperature “Neapolitan” stones?

Whether it be to reduce bake times, get more color on the crust, or a variety of other reasons, PizzaMaster users like to push the temperature limits. While no one to our knowledge bakes at the maximum 932 F, there are a lot of Neapolitan pizzamakers out there baking at over 750 degrees (F). Using the standard stones, which are are thinner and smoother, the bottoms of pizzas often burned at those temperatures.

The high temperature “Neapolitan” stones are thicker, more textured, exactly what you would find in a woodfired oven, and produce very similar results to a Neapolitan pizza. That is, a softer, more pliable crust that would not be described as crispy. If you are not trying to make a pizza that is as close as possible to a traditional woodfired Neapolitan pizza, then these stones are not for you. Don’t worry though. There are plenty of PizzaMaster users making great pizza at high temperatures. In fact, one of the pizzas below was baked on the standard stones. Can you tell which one?

You talk a lot about stones, can a pizza overlap two stones?

Of course. We often use stone size to describe the size of the oven because it explains how big it is inside and how many pizzas can fit. However, you can definitely land a pizza across multiple stones. Additionally, the heating elements run left to right so the heat is consistent from stone to stone.

Do they have steam injection capability?

Yes, you can order a PizzaMaster with steam injection capabilities. This will help get that shiny and soft-but-still-crispy exterior with a tender and moist interior. Perfect for those seeded hoagie rolls and several different pastries.

Please note, decks with steam injection come equipped with an extra high chamber (9.6”) to accommodate taller products. Also, the max temperature of a steam deck is 750 F as opposed to the standard 932 F. Finally, steam injection cannot be added to a deck later on. It must be added when the oven is built

If my oven has steam injection does that mean I need a floor drain?

The steam injection system on a PizzaMaster is designed so all the steam is consumed by the oven. So while the oven does not require a drain, your local inspector might think otherwise. Especially if you are in California. It’s a good idea to check with your inspector before making any major decisions.

I have a low hood, any chance I can get shorter legs?

Yes, shorter legs are available upon request. Please note, installing shorter legs on a three deck oven will eliminate both pullout shelves. See below for example.

Can I change the doors so they open downward?

No. I understand you are used to the old school ovens, but you will quickly enjoy the doors being out of your way. Downward opening doors increases the risk of window damage and makes the windows a lot dirtier as pizzas and tools slide and bang across them. Window doors are one of the best features of the PizzaMaster, but only if you can see through them! Also, with downward opening doors the heat that exits the oven when the door is open will hit the handles on the deck above making them hot to the touch. Of course, this is a safety hazard and very inconvenient to work around.

How tall is it inside of the chamber?

It is 8.2” from the deck of the oven to the top heating elements. However, as you can see below, the doorway is about 6” tall. Also, as mentioned above, the internal height of a steam deck is 9.6” with a doorway opening of about 7”.

I’m from the east coast, can I put boxed pizzas on top of the oven?

You East Coasters are all about stacking pizzas on top of your oven! Take a look over Handsome Rob’s right shoulder for how they do it at Pizzeria G.

How does delivery and install work?

PizzaMaster ovens ship in a box, on a pallet, and without the legs and accessories installed. The extent of the delivery largely depends on the access and doorway sizes at site. Where possible, we prep and install the legs locally prior to delivery, transport the assembled oven to site, and push it from the truck all the way into place.

As mentioned above, delivery and install does not include any electrical, HVAC, plumbing, or any other utility work. Our job is over once the fully assembled oven is in place. Final connections and any other work required to accommodate the oven is the responsibility of the purchaser.

Will you be able to get it in my door?

Yes, where there’s a will there’s way. While a “push-in-place” is always preferred, PizzaMaster ovens can be disassembled, rolled through your door, and re-assembled in place. There are a couple other tricks we can do as well to make sure we get it in safely and without damage.

What is the warranty?

Two year parts and one year labor.

What if I need parts and service?

Unlike most manufacturers, PizzaMaster proudly stocks parts in the USA and has developed a nationwide service network of certified PizzaMaster technicians. Wherever you are, a local technician is nearby and parts can be there quickly. The 24 hour service line and contact email will be provided at purchase.

Is my electric bill gonna go through the roof?

No. PizzaMaster ovens are very efficient and very well-insulated. Most of the oven is only warm to the touch and because of features like Turbo Mode there is no need to run each deck all day long. Just turn on the deck about 30 minutes before use and turn it off when the rush stops and at the end of the night. In fact, because they’re so efficient some states offer instant energy rebates. That can mean up to $2,000 off… per deck!

If you’re still concerned about your electric bill, please reach out and we can run the numbers.

Do I need to season the stones or cure the oven before use?

Nope. The only thing left to do is the initial burn-off. You do not have to season the stones or cure the oven, but each deck needs to be burned off for one hour to get rid of the factory oils used during fabrication. That’s it, just one hour. It is not uncommon for us to make a delivery in the morning and have the oven ready for pizza by lunch!

Ok, the oven is installed, it’s connected to power, it’s been burned off, now what?


Well there you have it. If you still have questions please submit them here, and if you’re ready for a quote just hit the button below to get started.